Gift Guide for Babies. A baby’s most important toy is you which is why we don't recommend many toys for babies. Gift Guide for Babies under six months very little at all. A mobile & a baby gym and a couple of activity toys to scatter on the play mat is more than enough. But there are a few items in our range that can really engage and inspire babies during those early months.
1.Musical toys
The soothing sound of a musical toy can be the difference between a restful nap and a lot of bouncing and jiggling trying to calm a sleepless and fractious baby. The music is also a source of delight and pleasure during happier times. Benefits for musical toys for baby and toddlers. It help promote creativity & boost cognitive skills & sensory development & develops gross and fine motor skills & teaches patience & encourage self-expressions.
2.Nursery rhymes
Most of us sing for our babies from birth. Singing ideally with plenty of eye contact lays the foundations for language and the connection between two people that is conversation. Actions bring songs to life and make them more memorable. They also help develop key skills. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Once I Caught a Fish Alive encourages finger isolation; Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes for co-ordination; If You're Happy and You Know it for listening. Some of the popular nursery rhymes are as follows.
- Twinkle, twinkle
- Baa baa black sheep
- The wheels on the bus
- Incy Wincy spider
- Sleeping bunnies
3.Activity mat
An activity mat is one of the best gifts for our babies' must-haves. In many ways its main function is to be a washable, movable surface on which your baby can lie. So why buy a dedicated mat rather than using a blanket or quilt you already have? The answer is the overhead arms. A newborn, barely able to turn her head voluntarily and still not yet in control of her limbs enjoys watching and listening to the toys hanging from above. Over time, as she learns to co-ordinate her arms and legs, she'll reach for - and eventually grasp - the dangling toys. This is hard work and the product of several months' effort.
Even before they can hold one by themselves a baby will benefit from a rattle being shaken for them as they'll learn to track the toy’s location by its sound. As eyesight develops a rattle with visible moving parts such as beads encourages your baby to link what they see and what they hear learning cause and effect. They also help with physical coordination and gross motor development.
5.A first set of blocks
A good set of wooden blocks is our number one toy. Handmade and stained (rather than painted) they retain the timeless feel and texture of wood, making them pleasing for small hands to hold, and they come in a range of natural colors. When choosing blocks, consider the best size for your baby to hold. Too big is unwieldy, too small is too fiddly. A simple 4 x 4 cm cube works really well. Cubes are also brilliant for stacking, one of the first things a baby learns to do with blocks. When putting one block on top of another, the upper block's center of gravity must be located over the lower one. If it's off to the side, the tower will topple.